Our dedicated chiropractors offer the best comprehensive care in Las Vegas.
Our doctors have been working within the Vegas community for years to help their patients heal in a holistic and sustainable way. Their commitment to comprehensive care is unmatched by any other facilities in the Vegas Valley. With their passion for dedicated patient care and their extensive experience in helping clients and patients achieve their wellness and recovery goals, our doctors are ready to provide you the best chiropractic care in Las Vegas. Contact us today to schedule your comprehensive evaluation!

Dr. Cade Smith
Dr. Cade Smith graduated with honors from the Southern California University of Health Sciences (SCUHS). Before receiving his Doctorate of Chiropractic from SCUHS, Dr. Smith earned a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology & Physiology from Utah State University. Dr. Smith’s passion for health and fitness is a lifelong one that began early and propelled him to success in athletics. Dr. Smith was a High School State Champion in football, which earned him a scholarship to Division 1 Utah State University where he played linebacker. After University he went to the Chicago Bears where he had to retire early due to injuries. Since hanging up his jersey, Dr. Smith has dedicated himself to providing his patients with the best chiropractic care possible.

Dr Leslie Richardson
Dr. Leslie Richardson was the youngest student ever to be accepted and earn a Chiropractic degree from SCUHS. During her studies, she excelled in nutritional and clinical sciences and developed a passion for comprehensive care. In addition to her studies at SCUHS, Dr. Richardson also studied Health Sciences, Physical Education and Organic Chemistry at University of Toronto and St. Mary’s University. As a college athlete, Dr. Richardson reigned on the tennis court and earned the title of undefeated Rookie of the Year on the University of Toronto women’s tennis team. With her intimate understanding of physiology and nutrition, Dr. Richardson has worked with patients in the Vegas valley to develop comprehensive care plans that are realistic, effective, and sustainable.